Name: Karina Shcherbakova
From: Moscow, Russia
Studied in: Cergy, France
Studies start: 2018
Grade: Bachelor
Program: Infographie and 3D visualisation for Cultural Heritage
University: Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Program satisfaction rate: 5/5
Internship: No
Job: Working with studies
🎓 Application
How did you learn about this program?
A friend advised me, as i wasn’t finding what I needed through campus France or basic research
Why did you decide to enrol in this program?
It’s a state school (no tuition fees), program with obligation of working, meaning professional experience and income, exact spécialisation that I wanted - very rare, I would say exceptional.
What was your application experience?
There was pre-selection by motivation letters and an interview after. The groupe is small: 10 people out of 430 applicants got accepted.
What level of English is required to enter this program?
What level of French is required to enter this program?
💡 Your impressions from your study abroad experience
What are your general impressions about this program?
We have some exceptional professors, there is a lot of practice in 3D modeling, and not much “general” subjects. First three intensive weeks were really helpful, and the times of employment have really charged which makes it challenging to balance study, work and some social life (as one is a sacrifice to make). Most of my classmates and students from same department found housing in Cergy, it doesn't help in socialising either since I live in Paris. But we try to plan some cultural gatherings on the weekend. I feel really lucky with my classmates as everyone is determined and motivated to study the subjects and there is no competition between us. Everyone helps each other to get their skills as good as possible.
What was the major program value for you?
I’m getting a new highly demander profession that excites me and combines all my previous skills, I am very happy about it.
What did you like about this program?
Hands on experience and attentive professors.
And what didn’t you like?
It’s a state school so program is not well financed. We could use better computers and screens and learning not only open source software, but commercial and demanding licenses. And I absolutely hate the food quality in the university restaurant. It’s very poor in terms of taste and healthiness and very rich in saturated fats. But cheap...
What is the hardest part of studying abroad?
Getting through the language gap and cultural differences. It took me some time to adjust.
How did your typical day look like?
Wake up at 7, get ready, take my train from Paris at 7.54, get to class by 9h, study, have lunch break 13-14h, study again till 18.30, get home... do homework or some sports. On the weeks at work I start at 10, so it’s just sleeping 1h more in the morning:)
Is this experience different from your experience at your country’s university? If yes, how?
My home university was specific: art school is different from “normal” higher education. I can’t compare. But I find this course much more practical and I’m happy the goal of the program is helping us get hired, so all we learn is applicable in professional life. Unlike my art school that left us wondering: ok, so now what, where do I go with this diploma and how do I find a job?
📌 Useful resources
If you had questions or issues (studies, language, administration, careers, integration etc), where did you get help/advice?
I googled and asked people
Did you contact other students with a similar experience? Was their experience helpful?
Absolutely. It’s a very good way to get precise information
Could you recommend websites which might help study abroad?
What was the cost of your program? How did you finance your studies?
Free, all expenses are taken care of by my employer
🏠 Accommodation
What was your accommodation experience?
I had difficulty renting as a foreigner, but I never stayed roofless. Housing in Cergy - near my university is twice to three times cheaper than in Paris.
How much did you pay for living per month during your studies?
Paris 1100 euros, Cergy 800
🚀 Career opportunities
Did you do an internship during your studies? How did you find it?
My program includes working experience during the study. I didn’t have previous skills in 3D so it wasn’t easy to find, but i managed to get three offers and chose the one most related to cultural heritage
Did your university help you in this process?
School was sending suggested job openings, profs ask their contacts for information, I would say they really aim us all to get a good alternance position
What was the field of your internship? If you don’t mind please share the remuneration you got.
Art consulting and art. I’m in a company doing video mapping, so they do all: creative part, technical part and consulting
Did you find a job after graduation? Which field and how did you find it?
I have not graduated yet, but there are many opportunities in my field
🌏 Your future plans
What are your plans for the future? Do you plan to stay in the country?
I plan to stay in France because I really enjoy my parisian life for now. In 5 years - I will see:)
What do you like about France? And what not?
I like the lifestyle and values. And food and access to culture.... changing political situation makes me worried though.
Could you give a piece of advice to future students?
Follow your bliss, don’t give up if it’s hard, don’t be afraid to change if you feel you took the wrong path.
Date: February 2019